Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Spark practice (3): clean and sort Social Security numbers

1. separate valid SSN and invalid SSN
2. count the number of valid SSN


SSN indexed data is commonly seen and stored in many file systems. The trick to accelerate the speed on Spark is to build a numerical key and use the sortByKey operator. Besides, the accumulator provides a global variable existing across machines in a cluster, which is especially useful for counting data.

Single machine solution

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
htable = {}
valid_cnt = 0
with open('sample.txt', 'rb') as infile, open('sample_bad.txt', 'wb') as outfile:
for l in infile:
l = l.strip()
nums = l.split('-')
key = -1
if l.isdigit() and len(l) == 9:
key = int(l)
if len(nums) == 3 and map(len, nums) == [3, 2, 4]:
key = 1000000*int(nums[0]) + 10000*int(nums[1]) + int(nums[2])
if key == -1:
outfile.write(l + '\n')
if key not in htable:
htable[key] = l
valid_cnt += 1

with open('sample_sorted.txt', 'wb') as outfile:
for x in sorted(htable):
outfile.write(htable[x] + '\n')

print valid_cnt

Cluster solution

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
import pyspark
sc = pyspark.SparkContext()
valid_cnt = sc.accumulator(0)

def is_validSSN(l):
l = l.strip()
nums = l.split('-')
cdn1 = (l.isdigit() and len(l) == 9)
cdn2 = (len(nums) == 3 and map(len, nums) == [3, 2, 4])
if cdn1 or cdn2:
return True
return False

def set_key(l):
global valid_cnt
valid_cnt += 1
l = l.strip()
if len(l) == 9:
return (int(l), l)
nums = l.split('-')
return (1000000*int(nums[0]) + 10000*int(nums[1]) + int(nums[2]), l)

rdd = sc.textFile('sample.txt')
rdd1 = rdd.filter(lambda x: not is_validSSN(x))

rdd2 = rdd.filter(is_validSSN).distinct() \
.map(lambda x: set_key(x)) \
.sortByKey().map(lambda x: x[1])

for x in rdd1.collect():
print 'Invalid SSN\t', x

for x in rdd2.collect():
print 'valid SSN\t', x

print '\nNumber of valid SSN is {}'.format(valid_cnt)

# Save RDD to file system

Friday, December 12, 2014

Spark practice (2): query text using SQL

In a class of a few children, use SQL to find those who are male and weight over 100.
class.txt (including Name Sex Age Height Weight)
Alfred M 14 69.0 112.5 
Alice F 13 56.5 84.0
Barbara F 13 65.3 98.0
Carol F 14 62.8 102.5
Henry M 14 63.5 102.5
James M 12 57.3 83.0
Jane F 12 59.8 84.5
Janet F 15 62.5 112.5
Jeffrey M 13 62.5 84.0
John M 12 59.0 99.5
Joyce F 11 51.3 50.5
Judy F 14 64.3 90.0
Louise F 12 56.3 77.0
Mary F 15 66.5 112.0
Philip M 16 72.0 150.0
Robert M 12 64.8 128.0
Ronald M 15 67.0 133.0
Thomas M 11 57.5 85.0
William M 15 66.5 112.0


The challenge is to transform unstructured data to structured data. In this question, a schema has to be applied including column name and type, so that the syntax of SQL is able to query the pure text.

Single machine solution

Straight-forward and simple if with Python’s built-in module sqlite3.
import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("""CREATE TABLE class
(Name text, Sex text, Age real, Height real, Weight real)"""

with open('class.txt') as infile:
for l in infile:
line = l.split()
c.execute('INSERT INTO class VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)', line)

for x in c.execute("SELECT * FROM class WHERE Sex = 'M' AND Weight > 100"):
print x

Cluster solution

Spark SQL is built on Hive, and seamlessly queries the JSON formatted data that is semi-structured. To dump the JSON file on the file system will be the first step.
import os
import subprocess
import json
from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import HiveContext
sc = SparkContext()
hiveCtx = HiveContext(sc)
def trans(x):
return {'Name': x[0], 'Sex': x[1], 'Age': int(x[2]), \
'Height': float(x[3]), 'Weight': float(x[4])}
# Remove the output directory for JSON if it exists
if 'class-output' in os.listdir('.'):
subprocess.call(['rm', '-rf', 'class-output'])

rdd = sc.textFile('class.txt')
rdd1 = rdd.map(lambda x: x.split()).map(lambda x: trans(x))
rdd1.map(lambda x: json.dumps(x)).saveAsTextFile('class-output')

infile = hiveCtx.jsonFile("class-output/part-00000")

query = hiveCtx.sql("""SELECT * FROM class WHERE Sex = 'M' AND Weight > 100
for x in query.collect():
print x

 In a conclusion, JSON should be considered if SQL is desired on Spark.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Spark practice (1): find the stranger that shares the most friends with me

Given the friend pairs in the sample text below (each line contains two people who are friends), find the stranger that shares the most friends with me.
me Alice
Henry me
Henry Alice
me Jane
Alice John
Jane John
Judy Alice
me Mary
Mary Joyce
Joyce Henry
Judy me
Judy Jane
John Carol
Carol me
Mary Henry
Louise Ronald
Ronald Thomas
William Thomas


The scenario is commonly seen for a social network user. Spark has three methods to query such data:
  • MapReduce
  • GraphX
  • Spark SQL
If I start with the simplest MapReduce approach, then I would like to use two hash tables in Python. First I scan all friend pairs and store the friends for each person in a hash table. Second I use another hash table to count my friends’ friends and pick out the strangers to me.

Single machine solution

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
htable1 = {}
with open('sample.txt', 'rb') as infile:
for l in infile:
line = l.split()
if line[0] not in htable1:
htable1[line[0]] = [line[1]]
htable1[line[0]] += [line[1]]
if line[1] not in htable1:
htable1[line[1]] = [line[0]]
htable1[line[1]] += [line[0]]

lst = htable1['me']
htable2 = {}
for key, value in htable1.iteritems():
if key in lst:
for x in value:
if x not in lst and x != 'me': # should only limit to strangers
if x not in htable2:
htable2[x] = 1
htable2[x] += 1

for x in sorted(htable2, key = htable2.get, reverse = True):
print "The stranger {} has {} common friends with me".format(x, \
The result shows that John has three common friends like I do, followed by Joyce who has two. Therefore, John will be the one who is most likely to be recommended by the social network.

Cluster solution

If the log file for the friend pairs is quite big, say, like several GB size, the single machine solution is not able to load the data into the memory and we have to seek help from a cluster.
Spark provides the pair RDD that is similar to a hash table and essentially a key-value structure. To translate the single machine solution to a cluster one, I use the operators from Spark’s Python API including map, reduceByKey, filter, union and sortByKey.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
import pyspark
sc = pyspark.SparkContext()
# Load data from hdfs
rdd = sc.textFile('hdfs://sample.txt')
# Build the first pair RDD
rdd1 = rdd.map(lambda x: x.split()).union(rdd.map(lambda x: x.split()[::-1]))
# Bring my friend list to local
lst = rdd1.filter(lambda x: x[0] == 'me').map(lambda x: x[1]).collect()
# Build the second pari RDD
rdd2 = rdd1.filter(lambda x: x[0] in lst).map(lambda x: x[1]) \
.filter(lambda x: x != 'me' and x not in lst) \
.map(lambda x: (x, 1)).reduceByKey(lambda a, b: a + b) \
.map(lambda (x, y): (y, x)).sortByKey(ascending = False)
# Save the result to hdfs
# Bring the result to local since the sample is small
for x, y in rdd2.collect():
print "The stranger {} has {} common friends with me".format(y, x)

The result is the same. In this experiment, most time is spent on the data loading process from HDFS to the memory. The following MapReduce operations actually costs just a small fraction of overall time. In conclusion, Spark fits well on an iterative data analysis against existing RDD.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Use a vector to print Pascal's triangle in SAS

Yesterday Rick Wicklin showed a cool SAS/IML function to use a matrix and print a Pascal’s triangle. I come up with an alternative solution by using a vector in SAS/IML.


Two functions are used, including a main function PascalRule and a helper function _PascalRule. The helper function recycles the vector every time and fills the updated values; the main function increases the length of the vector from 1 to n.


Get the nth row directly, for example, return the 10th row by PascalRule(10); no need to use a matrix or matrix related operators; use less memory to fit a possibly bigger n.


More lines of codes; slowlier to print the triangle, since there is no data structure such as matrix to remember the transient numbers.
proc iml;
/* The main function */
start PascalRule(n);
if n <= 1 then
answer = {1, 1};
do i = 1 to n - 2 ;
answer = _PascalRule(answer);
/* The helper function */
start _PascalRule(vector);
previous = 1;
do i = 2 to nrow(vector);
current = vector[i];
vector[i] = previous + current;
previous = current;
vector = vector // {1};
/* Print the pascal's triangle */
do i = 1 to 10;
x = PascalRule(i);
x = x`;
print x;
Theoretically, Rick’s solution has a time complexity of O(N^2) and a space complexity of O(N^2), while my solution has a time complexity of O(N^3) (unfortunately have to use three times of do loop in IML) and a space complexity of O(N). Actually it's a trade-off between speed and memory cost.