Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Some tips about Proc Printto and SAS memory

Run SAS Proc Options would have the answers.
/* Specifies the limit on the total amount of memory to be used by the SAS Syste*/
proc options option=MEMSIZE; run;
/*Upper limit for data-dependent memory usage during summarization*/
proc options option=SUMSIZE; run;
/* Upper limit for memory during sorting*/
proc options option=SORTSIZE; run;

/*Output saslog and saslist to specified locations*/
proc printto log="C:\user\myname\mylog.log" print="C:\user\myname\mylist.lst" new;
/*Open the files with notpads directly*/
proc printto log="C:\user\myname\mylog.txt" print="C:\user\myname\mylist.txt" new;
/*A method to suppress log generation during execuation, especially for simulation*/
filename supress dummy;
proc printto log=supress;
/*Reopen the default setting*/
proc printto;

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