Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A macro calls R in SAS for paneled 3d plotting

SAS and R could complement each other. SAS is a versatile ETL (extraction, transformation and loading) machine and its statistical procedures based on generalized linear model are impeccable. R would bring cutting-edge data mining and data visualization technologies at low cost (or no cost). Although the two packages dwell in distinctive ecosystems (for example: different OS/ETL/database/reporting layers) [Ref. 1], mixed programming by combining them together would make an analytics shop invincible.

Some SAS programmers like to use SAS/IML to call R’s functions [Ref. 2]. However, it seems that SAS/IML fails to work with the latest versions of R since 2.12 [Ref. 3]. Others tend to play tricks to call R into SAS’s data step to meet their daily needs [Ref. 4]. In this post, the macro below would call the ‘lattice’ package of R in SAS, on a PC platform, to draw paneled three dimension images, since currently SAS’s SG procedures don’t own such an option. The good thing is that there is no need to check the version of R installed before running it. And the modification of this macro can be extended to other applications to call R in SAS.

1. ‘Keep an Eye on the emerging Open-Source Analytics Stack’. Revolution R Blog.
2. Zhengping Ma. ‘Data mining in SAS with open source software’. SAS Global 2011.
3. ‘SAS/IML incompatible with latest releases of R’. SAS-L. 11APR2011.
4. Liang Xie. ‘Regularized Discriminant Analysis’.

/*******************READ ME*********************************************
* VERSION: SAS 9.2(ts2m0), windows 64bit
* DATE: 25apr2011
****************END OF READ ME*********************j********************/

****************(1) MODULE-BUILDING STEP******************;
%macro scatter3dpanel(data = , x = , y = , z = , factor = ,
width = , height = , outfile = );
* MACRO: scatter3dpanel()
* PARAMETERS: data = dataset for plotting
* x = x-axis variable
* y = y-axis variable
* z = z-axis variable
* factor = partition factor variable
* width = width of output graph
* height = height of output graph
* outfile= location of output image
proc export data = &data outfile = "d:\tmp.csv" replace;

proc sql;
create table _tmp0 (string char(80));
insert into _tmp0
set string = 'tmp=read.csv("d:/tmp.csv", header=T)'
set string = 'attach(tmp)'
set string = 'library(lattice)'
set string = 'windows()'
set string = 'cloud(sas_zvar~sas_xvar+sas_yvar|as.factor(sas_factor), pretty=T)'
set string = 'dev.print(device=png, width=sas_width, height=sas_height, file="sas_file")';

data _tmp1;
set _tmp0;
string = tranwrd(string, "sas_xvar", propcase("&x"));
string = tranwrd(string, "sas_yvar", propcase("&y"));
string = tranwrd(string, "sas_zvar", propcase("&z"));
string = tranwrd(string, "sas_factor", propcase("&factor"));
string = tranwrd(string, "sas_width", "&width");
string = tranwrd(string, "sas_height", "&height");
string = tranwrd(string, "sas_file", translate("&outfile", "/", "\"));

data _null_;
set _tmp1;
file "d:\callRinSAS.r";
put string;

options noxsync noxwait;
x ' "d:\Program Files\R\R-2.12.1\bin\R.exe" CMD BATCH --vanilla --slave "d:\callRinSAS.r" ';

****************(2) TESTING STEP******************;
%scatter3dpanel(data =, x = length, y = wheelbase, z = horsepower,
factor = type, width = 1200, height = 600, outfile = d:\test1.png );

****************END OF ALL CODING***************************************;

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