Actually we can use SAS macro and VBA macro together to obtain high-quality multi-sheet EXCEL workbook. The workflow is pretty simple: first a SAS macro splits a SAS dataset into many XLS files in a folder through ODS HTML targset. Second a VBA macro merges those single XLS files as sheets in to a workbook. For example, SAS shipped with a sample dataset SASHELP.PRDSAL2 with 23040 observations and 11 variables. If we want to generate a multi-sheet EXCEL workbook grouped by two variables such as ‘state’ and ‘year’, we can set up an empty directory in the hard disk and run a macro like below. As a result, we will have a number of small XLS files.
%macro split(data = , folder = , clsvar1 = , clsvar2 = );
options nocenter nodate nonumber ps = 9000;
title; footnote;
ods listing close;
proc sql noprint;
create table _tmp01 as
select &clsvar1, &clsvar2, count(*) as number
from &data
group by &clsvar1, &clsvar2
order by &clsvar1, &clsvar2
data _tmp02;
set _tmp01 nobs = nobs;
where number gt 0;
index = _n_;
call symput('nobs', nobs);
%do i = 1 %to &nobs;
proc sql noprint;
select &clsvar1, &clsvar2
from _tmp02
where index = &i
%let filepath = &folder\%sysfunc(dequote(&clsvar1name))_%sysfunc(dequote(&clsvar2name)).xls;
ods html file = "&filepath " style = minimal;
proc print data = &data noobs label;
where &clsvar1 = "&clsvar1name" and &clsvar2 = &clsvar2name;
ods listing;
ods html close;
%split(data = sashelp.PRDSAL2, folder = C:\test1, clsvar1 = state , clsvar2 = year)
Then we can open EXCEL, press ALT+F11, paste the VBA code below and run it. Then we will be able to have a decent multi-sheet EXCEL workbook. The biggest strength for this method is that it is very fast – the overall process (running SAS macro and VBA macro) only takes less than a minute for this relatively large dataset SASHELP.PRDSAL2. And it can be expanded to many grouping variables by modifying the SAS macro a little. In conclusion, for big data EXCEL reporting, combining SAS macro and VBA macro together is a good alternative other than ExcelXP ODS tagset. VBA Draft 3.1 Blogpost
Hi Charlie, Just to note that you can do this much easier with Google docs. Using the importrange function.
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