Thursday, January 12, 2012

Random seeds

A footnote toward Rick Wilkin’s recent article “How to Lie with a Simulation”. (Sit in front of a laptop w/o SAS; have to port all SAS/IML codes into R)

Generated 10 seeds randomly to run Stochastic simulation of Buffon's needle experiment by Rick's method. Hardly converge any of them ….

# Replicate Rick Wicklin's SAS/IML codes for Buffon's needle experiment
simupi <- function(N, seed) {
z <- matrix(runif(N*2, 0, 1), N, 2)
theta <- pi*z[, 1]
y <- z[, 2] / 2
P <- sum(y < sin(theta)/2) / N
piEst <- 2/P
Trials <- 1:N
Hits <- (y < sin(theta)/2)
Pr <- cumsum(Hits)/Trials
Est <- 2/Pr
cbind(Est, Trials, seed)

# Generated 10 seeds randomly
seed_vector <- floor(runif(1:10)*10000)

# Each simulation with 50000 iterations
N <- 50000

# Run these 10 simulations
rt <- list()
for (i in 1:length(seed_vector)) {
rt[[i]] <- simupi(N, seed_vector[i])
results <-"rbind", rt))
results$seed <- as.factor(results$seed)

# Visualize individual simulation results
p <- qplot(x = Trials, y = Est, data = results, geom = "line",
color = seed, ylim = c(2.9, 3.5))
p + geom_line(aes(x = Trials, y = pi), color = "Black")

Averaging all results of the 10 simulations out. Then the curve converges easily. The application of this Monte Carlo simulation in Buffon's needle experiment is explained here by Rick Wicklin.

# Visuazlie the average result
rtmean <- aggregate(Est ~ Trials, data = results, mean)
p <- qplot(x = Trials, y = Est, data = rtmean, geom = "line")
p + geom_line(aes(x = Trials, y = pi), color = "Red")

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't say "hardly any of the 10 simulations converged." Instead I'd say that the rate of convergence is quite slow. As you've shown, averaging independent trials improves the estimates. It's not hard to see why: your averaged estimate is based on 10 TIMES the number of simulated data! So you'd expect 10,000 averaged values to be about as close to pi as 100,000 unaveraged values.
