Sunday, August 14, 2011

Using PROC COPULA in a more volatile market

The last week witnessed one of the wildest fluctuations in the market. Copula could measure the nonlinear dependence of multiple assets in a portfolio, and most importantly, is pronounced as \`kä-pyə-lə\(Thanks to the tip by Rick). The latest COPULA procedure in SAS 9.3 is one of the emerging tools to implement copulas.

To test it, I used R to download the daily return data for a few stock shares plus S&P500 index prices, since January 01, 2010. The six stocks are Citi group(C), JP Morgan(jpm), Pfizer(pfe), IBM(ibm), Apple(aapl), and Google(goog). I constructed an equally weighted portfolio by them. Until August 12, 2011, there are 406 observations. Therefore, in a composite plot by SAS, the stocks of banks show the greatest volatility, followed by pharmaceutical and high-tech companies.

#*********************(0) DOWNLOAD MARKET DATA***********************;
sp500= get.hist.quote(instrument="^gspc",start="2010-01-01",quote="AdjClose")
c = get.hist.quote(instrument="c", start="2010-01-01",quote="AdjClose")
jpm = get.hist.quote(instrument="jpm", start="2010-01-01",quote="AdjClose")
pfe = get.hist.quote(instrument="pfe", start="2010-01-01",quote="AdjClose")
ibm = get.hist.quote(instrument="ibm", start="2010-01-01",quote="AdjClose")
aapl = get.hist.quote(instrument="aapl", start="2010-01-01",quote="AdjClose")
goog = get.hist.quote(instrument="goog", start="2010-01-01",quote="AdjClose"), c, jpm, pfe, ibm, aapl, goog))))

**********************(1) INPUT RAW DATA*****************************;
options fullstimer; dm 'output;clear; log;clear;';
data raw;
infile 'c:/tmp/r2sas.csv' delimiter = ',' missover dsd firstobs=2 ;
informat date yymmdd10. sp500 c jpm pfe ibm aapl goog best32.;
format date date9.;
input date sp500 c jpm pfe ibm aapl goog;

**********************(2) PLOT STOCK RETURNS*************************;
proc transpose data = raw out = test01;
by date;
var c jpm pfe ibm aapl goog;
data test02;
merge test01 raw(keep=date sp500);
by date;
ods graphics / antialiasmax=2900;
proc sgpanel data = test02;
panelby _name_ / spacing=5 columns = 3 rows = 2 novarname;
series y=sp500 x=date / lineattrs=(color=red);
series y=col1 x=date / lineattrs=(color=blue);
refline 0/ axis=y lineattrs=(pattern=shortdash);
rowaxis label = 'daily returns';
label col1 = 'individual stock' ;

I followed the online document of this procedure and also chose the t copula. The correlation plots of the fitted data are displayed above. It seems that PROC COPULA could only draw up to 5*5 matrix for scatter plots in my test. I don’t know if there is any parameter to activate since I have 6 stocks.

**********************(3) CALCULATE COPULA***************************;
proc copula data = raw(drop=sp500);
var c jpm pfe ibm aapl goog;
fit t / marginals = empirical
method = mle
plots = (data = both matrix);
simulate / ndraws = 10000
seed = 20100822
out = sm_t;

Then the kernel densities between stocks from the simulated dataset were calculated in SAS and plotted in R.
**********************(4) CALCULATE KERNEL DENSITIES*****************;
%macro kernel(var_list = );
ods select none;
%do i = 1 %to 5;
%do j = %eval(&i + 1) %to 6;
%let var1 = %scan(&var_list, &i);
%let var2 = %scan(&var_list, &j);
proc kde data= sm_t ;
bivar &var1 &var2 / out = _tmp01;
%if %eval(&i + &j) = 3 %then %do;
data comb;
set _tmp01;
%else %do;
data comb;
set comb _tmp01;
ods select all;
%kernel(var_list = c jpm pfe ibm aapl goog);

data comb1;
set comb;
length gname $15;
gname = cats('x=', var1, ';', 'y=', var2);
keep value1 value2 gname density;
proc export data = comb1 outfile = 'c:/tmp/sas2r.csv' replace;

#*********************(5) PLOT DENSITY IN R**************************;
x = read.csv('c:/tmp/sas2r.csv')
wireframe(density ~ value1 * value2 | gname , x, shade = TRUE,
screen = list(z = -30, x = -50), lwd = 0.01,
xlab = "Stock X", ylab = "Stock Y",
zlab = "Density")

The simulated daily portfolio returns are likely to follow a normal distribution.

**********************(6) PLOT RETURN DISTRIBUTION*******************;
data port_ret (drop = i ret);
set sm_t;
array returns{6} c jpm pfe ibm aapl goog;
ret =0;
do i =1 to 6;
ret = ret+ (1/6)*exp(returns[i]);
port_ret = ret-1;

proc kde data = port_ret;
univar port_ret / percentiles = 1,2.5,5,10,90,95,99 plots=histdensity;
ods output percentiles = pcts;
format port_ret percent8.3;
label port_ret = 'portfolio return';

Several predicted portfolio changes at given probabilities are given in a tilt plot. Hope this portfolio’s performance next day (August 15, 2011) would be within the expected ranges.

**********************(7) PLOT PORTFOLIO RETURNS*********************;
data prob;
set pcts;
percent = percent / 100;
if percent > 0.5 then do ;
percent = 1 - percent ;
result = put(percent , percent8.1)||
'probability portfolio gains'|| put(port_ret, percent8.3);
else result = put(percent , percent8.1)||
'probability portfolio loses'|| put(port_ret, percent8.3);

goptions device=javaimg ftitle="arial/bold" ftext="arial"
htitle=.15in htext=.2in xpixels=600 ypixels=500;
proc gtile data = prob;
tile Percent tileby = (result, Percent) / colorvar = port_ret;
format port_ret 8.4;
label port_ret = 'portfolio return';

PROC COPULA supports five types of copulas(normal copula, t copula, clayton copula, Gumbel copula and Frank copula). Jan Chvosta described a ranking method to choose the best copula. I can easily apply the author's protocol.

Overall, PROC COPULA has much lower learning curve than the R package ‘copula’. Hope it grows to a dominating tool in analyzing copula.

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