Friday, September 28, 2012

SAS and VBA (3) : lower triangle multiplication table

Flow control and looping is a very important aspect for any programming language. To see how to index a particular value in the languages’ default data type, creating a lower triangle multiplication table looks like a good test, since it is a simple question but still requires the skills to implement a nested loop and a condition statement.


Excel has row number (1, 2, etc.) and column number (A, B, etc.) for each cell. Then in VBA, we can use Range() or Cells() to select those cells in any particular worksheet. So it will be very easy to implement the logic in VBA to create a lower triangle multiplication table.

Sub Mt()
For i = 1 To 9
For j = 1 To 9
If i >= j Then
Cells(i, j) = i*j
End If
Next j
Next i
MsgBox "Done"
End Sub


SAS’s data set doesn’t have exact indexes for row or column. There is internal automatic variables, which is _N_, for rows. However, to specify the columns, we have to declare a temporary array. And in this demo, the position of the OUPUT statement has to be between the inner loop and the outer loop.

data mt;
array a[9] col1-col9;
do i = 1 to 9;
do j= 1 to 9;
if i >= j then a[j] = i*j;
drop i j;
put "Done";

To select a few columns or variables, array is a must in SAS. That is possible why the DATA STEP array is so important in SAS. For beginners, VBA is an easier way to apply loops.

1 comment:

  1. Guess the new technology vehicles are using these kind of encoder to be able to manage everything in place. Only expert in the field could understand how things are working.
